
Showing posts from May, 2010

When Everything Must be Comes Out in One Time

When Everything Must be Comes Out in One Time.. coz in the end, life is a choice even it's hurt like you were stab by millions blades.. no one know anything.. it's just about myself.. i do this for all of you.. don't wanna being selfish anymore.. coz no one could understand..

Mysterious Girlfriend X

Recently read comic: Mysterious Girlfriend X Author & Artist: Ueshiba Riichi Chapters: 51 chapters Updated series: 45 chapters i found this comic was so funny.. but there're a lot of messages for couples all over the world. in this comic u'll find how to be loyal to your mate and to respect each other.. even a lil bit shounen but the romantic side in this comic wasn't forgotten.. when u first read this comic, u'll think the story was strange and disgusting, like what i felt back then.. but the strange things will always come chapters to chapters.. and u know what? i can't barely stop read this.. until the chapter on the site was stop in the chapter 45.. huhu.. the main issue on this comic was THE BOND THROUGH DROLL hav a take a look on the comic guyz.. ^^ p.s: can't wait for the next chapter where Urabe bein' the super idol..

Kemanakah uang Rp. 94.000???

jadi kemanakah uang itu pergi?? sumpah ya, kalo emang kesalahan ne kejadian buat yg kedua kalinya, w sumpahin!!!!!!!!!! tega amad c.. orang w g pnah ngerasa nerima tu duit, kalo tagihan yg dulu2 c ia ad, v ne kan yg kemaren2 yg blom lu bayar.. kancut!!! gini ne makanya jangan numpuk2 tagihan, w dah bilang ad uang ad barang.. ujung2nya kn gini... w niatnya mau nyari untung walopun dikit2, eh malah jadi rugi telak.. yg ada w malu!!!!!!!!!!!! jadi kemanakah uang itu pergi???????????????? KEMAAANNNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAAA??????????????

Stuck in the Moment

Now listening.. Feeling stuck in the moment.. huahh np jd mellow gn abs donlot lagunya c Justin..  spanjang jalan pulang ngmpus, dobonceng Tante Ndut trcinta, this song was playing over n over again.. :'( kira2 c Justin gini nyanyinyah: With you, With you, I wish we had another time, I wish we had another place Now Romeo & Juliet, Bet they never felt the way we felt, Bonnie & Clyde, Never had to hide like, We do, We do You and I both know it can't work, It's all fun and games, 'til someone gets hurt, And I don't, I won't let that be you Now you don't wanna let go, And I don't wanna let you know, that there might be something real between us two, who knew? Now we don't wanna fall but, We're tripping in our hearts and it's reckless and clumsy, 'cause I know you can't love me here I wish we had another time, I wish we had another place, But everything we have is stuck in...

When Everything Comes in One Time

Hayoooh mau gimana????????? LIFE IS A CHOICE BEIBEH!!!!!!!!!!

Sweet Lies

Recently watched movie: Sweet Lies (Korean) Rating: 5 stars (1 to 5 stars) Comments: Absolutely funny Release Date: 2008 Director: Jeong Jeong-Hwa Genre: Romance, Comedy Cast: Park Jin Hee, Lee Ki Woo, Jo Han Sun This movie will laughed out you loud from the beginning.. It tells you how funny you will find your true love, and it's a long journey that you have to face to find it. the story is about Ji-Ho who had been n love for about 8 year to her High School mate, but without she is being noticed. and in one accidental time, in the accident he met his first love again. and to keep stay close to him, she has to has sweet lies. she done many thing to do that until he finally fall in love with her. but her childhood friend, Dong-Sik, interrupt her sweet lies and make everything goes chaos. but in the end, the movie give us a message that maybe the true love that you wish for is right beside you for all this time, waiting for you to realized it and found it. UUwa...


ada seorang teman.. well mungkin dulu seorang teman. itupun kalau dia benar-benar mengaggap saya teman, atau menggap dia bisa jadi seorang teman. pikiran dia selalu tak pernah salah (menurutnya), dan jika dia salah dia tidak mau mengaku salah, apalagi disalahkan padahal jelas-jelas dia yg bersalah. nah sekarang timbul berbagai pertanyaan. apakah saya yg salah karena menyerah untuk tidak selalu menyalahkan padahal dia salah? apakah salah saya dengan bersikap tidak mau terima jika saya yg disalahkan padahal dia yg menimbulkan permasalahan? apakah salah kini saya membalikan dan mengatakan padanya jika semua permasalahn dan kesalahan ini adalah salah dia? apakah salah jika kini saya sudah lagi tidak ingin selalu menjadi orang yg salah di matanya dan lebih memilih menjauhi sumber masalah dan tidak membenarkan lagi kesalahan yg dia perbuat? salah tidak salah, tapi kali ini saya yakin saya tidak salah, mungkin dari dulu juga memang tidak pernah salah. hanya terlalu sering menga...

Hatchiko, A dog's story

Recently watched movie: Hatchiko, A dog story Rating: 5 stars (1 to 5 stars) Comments: Te O Pe Be Ge Te!!! Cast: Richard Gere Director:  Lasse Hallström made me cry a river in the last minute.. first i tought this movie will be a boring movie, not just like people said lately. but hei, i was wrong.. this is now include to my A MUST WATCH MOVIE LIST. well this is a story of a dog's life, just like the title above. the story was taken from a true story from an atika dog, Japanese dog in japan. but in this movie, the setting is taken in the US. Hatchiko is name of a dog that had found by a professor in the train station when he was still a puppy. the professor thought that he was belong to someone, but nobody comes to take Hatchi. year after year Hatchiko being the family's dog and really local to his master (Professor Parker), the professor who loves him somuch too. everyday Hatchi accompany and pick his master up in the train station, befo...

HARI YANG ANEH, semua orang tampaknya jadi pecintaayam kfc dadakan

belum sempet ngisi cerita inih    14052010 masih belum sempet ngsi cerita inih, padahal bkl jd slh stu masterpiece w, ttg kegilan w dn tmn2 MGCasts.. tggu ia.. 15052010

Menjadi Det.Conan Freaks Kembali

setelah sekian lama tak pernah membaca komik lagi, akhirnya setelah seorang teman memberitahu situs web bwat baca komik gratis (, akhirnya gw keranjingan lagi baca komik,. tapi bedanya dari waktu jaman SD dan SMP, skg gw baca komiknya online, hehe.. tadinya c gw mau baca komik naruto, tapi kok yg gw ketik d search malah DETECTIVE CONAN, au dah knapa.. terakhr gw baca ne komik pas SMA kelas 2, itupun edisi spesial g bukan d gambar ma Aoyama Gosho sndiri, dy cm nyumbang cerita duank.. w baca pas kelas 2 SMA tu klu ga salah ad temen sekelas gw yg tiap hari bawain tu komik pas gw sakit dan ga bisa dateng k skolah sambil bawa coklat sama jeruk gt.. haha, lucu juga ngingetnya.. lucu coz dy yg bw komik, coklat dan jeruk itu selalu diusir ma alm bokap gw.. hehe, dasar c ayah.. back to Detective Conan.. gw ga inget edisi no berapa yg terakhir gw baca (bukan edisi spesial), pkonya kalo ga salah pas c Conan n Inspektur Takagi kejebak d lift pas mau jinakin bom d Tokyo tower.. nah.. ...


I DON’T CARE MORNING BLUE this is my soundtrack on this note.. after having so many discussions last night, maybe til the morning, its realy sad, but finaly all i can say is I DON’T CARE, I DONT REALY CARE COZ HE'S MINE NOW! i dont care how past can be, the important thing that necessary to us now is the NOW and the FUTURE.. let the past be the past, no matter what, when, how, and who they are.. COZ I DONT CARE!!! I DON’T CARE MORNING BLUE Kan kuukir dunia dengan mimpi yang kupunya Tak kan ada yang mampu dan memandang ragu Cause i don’t care, and I don’t care but I don’t care anyway…. Kuatkan langkah ku dan berjalan semampuku Biarkanlah waktu yang bicara dan buktikan semua Cause i don’t care, and i don’t care but I don’t care anyway.., Don’t care…I really don’t care, I really don’t care anyway…. Kan kuukir dunia dengan mimpi yang kupunya Biarkanlah waktu yang bicara Cause i don’t care, and i don’t care but I don’t care anyway.., Don’t care…I really don’t care, I really don’t care a...

Disaat wanita diduakan dengan kartu dan uang di atas meja

ini adalah cerita realita, bisa juga disebut cerita nonfiksi. hanya saja nama dan tempat kejadian disamarkan. cerita ini memaparkan sedikit kejadian-kejadian yg mungkin sedang dialami oleh kebanyakan wanita pada saat ini. tokoh-tokoh utama dalam cerita ini adalah dua lelaki yg sebut saja bernama Reza dan Lambang. oh ya, supaya ga beribet, alur cerita disini disuguhkan dalam bentuk dialog saja ya.. . . . REZA Desi (cewenya Reza)datang ke tempat kerja Reza.. Desi: Assalamualaikum.. Reza: Waalaikumsalam, tutup lagi pintunya yank.. Desi menitup pintu. tumben c Reza ga nanya Desi datang sama siapa, jalan kaki ato nak ojek, blablabla.. Desi: udah makan belum? Reza: belum (menjawab sambil tak memalingkan muka dari depan layar komputernya) Desi: makan dulu atuh Reza: ia ntar.. Desi memegang 2 ponsel milik Reza.. Desi: ada sms tuh.. Reza: dari siapa tolong liatn (belum mengalihkan pandangannya dari depan layar pc) Desi: nih.. (sambil menyodorkan kedua ponsel ke hadapan muka Reza) Reza melihat l...

SK oh SK...

another funny story happened.. my tittle was released for the third times, with different lecturer who will be my guidance further.. and bcos i didnt have a certainty about who will be my 'guidance' on my research paper til now, ive never had a counseling before.. just like a lost sailor in the wild sea.. haha lebhay.. but no matter who will be my counselor, i hope it will be the best for me.. amin.. alhamdulillah finally after had a confusion, being mocking by 'people', ignored by the 'author', depression, heart attack, and blablabla saia tak terombang-ambing lg.. duty: take the newest SK in the faculty.. meet the counselor finish the proposal sooner ^^

Disaat telah keranjingan aplikasi game facebook bernama P.O.K.E.R

Pertama-tama c "A" cuma jd fasilitator, trus lama-lama penasaran jg tu org maen ap c sampe teriak-teriak gt sgala?? (bunyinya kurang lebih: A****G!!!, G****G!!!, B******T!!, etc.) Akhirnya dy tw jg mereka maen apa.. "ooohh ternyata itu.." Iseng-iseng buka aplikasinya, liat-liat.. trz nanya ma salah satu dari mereka yg istilahnya Dewa tu aplikasi .. "Woy mank maen eta kmh c?" c Dewa menjawab, "Wey hayang ngajaran tah?? mending entong dy, bisi katagihan... doank aink, hahaha", c Dewa tertawa terbahak-bahak.. aneh, ada ya orang yg ktawa segitunya.. Well.. mank c Dewa dah meringatin c A dari awal jg tp akhirnya dy berkata (seolah ingin mengamalkan ilmu saktinya kepada 1 murid barunya lagi, note:sebelumnya dy telah mengajari beberapa murid yang sampai saat ini telah berhasil kecanduan layaknya sang guru beasar) "Die aink ajaran, dy buka facebook hela geh", c dewa memulai pelajarannya.. setelah c A login k account nya, c dewa langsung mengara...


THE TEACHER’S TOOLS (PROCEDURES, METHODS AND TECHNIQUES, ETC.) IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING Introduction Here in Indonesia, mostly English is still being taught as a foreign language. The teachers still often use the first language to teach the materials, especially to the beginner learners, for example to the elementary school and the junior high school. Well at least the comparison between the English and Indonesian usage in the class is 50:50. Nowadays, the student-centered approach is being emphasized use. Even in the field that approach isn’t really use broadly, but here the teacher should act as a facilitator. For that, we have to always stay up to date and invent or at least use the latest tools, whether it is the procedure, method, and technique. The teacher has to have novel ideas in the way he/she teach their students to avoid a monotone and static teaching-learning process. In this article, I emphasize to my ELT experiences in teachi...