The Analysis of English Teachers’ Perception to the Curriculum Change from the Competency-Based Curriculum (2004) to the School-Based Curriculum (2006) in Teaching Speaking

Apah??? Seminar dikumpul besok??? bukannya lusa?? huah dasar ya Om saia yang satu ini sering membuat banyak kejutan2 yang bikin saia heboh semalaman sampe sepagian..
Jadi inilah hasil saia berkebut2 dan berkebet2 ria n ber surfing2, hoho..
Maaf jika ada pihak2 yng belum sempat saia sebutkan disini (ma'lem mepet mas).. ^^v

The Analysis of English Teachers’ Perception to the Curriculum Change from the Competency-Based Curriculum (2004) to the School-Based Curriculum (2006) in Teaching Speaking

Megalia Anisaa Widya Kelana
English Department
Teachers Training and Education Faculty
Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University 2010


This is a qualitative study related to the analysis of English teachers' perceptions of curriculum change from the Competency-Based Curriculum (2004) to the School-Based Curriculum (2006) in teaching speaking. It aimed in understanding curriculum change from the teachers' perspective when they taught speaking in those curriculums. This research was a survey research where the sample was taken purposively. The sample consisted of four English teachers in four junior and senior high schools who had experience teaching both of the Competency-Based Curriculum and the School-Based Curriculum. Data collection methods included semi-structured interviews, questionnaire and document reviews.
From the result it can be seen that 75% of the teachers still confuse about the changing of curriculum. But if they have to choice 50% of them prefer School-Based curriculum because the time allocation is less 5 minutes than the Competence-Based curriculum so the learning weight is lighter. Beside that the material from the SBC are more concrete because the school or even the teacher made by themselves according to the place where the school located.

Key words: Competency-Based Curriculum, 2004 Curriculum, School-Based Curriculum, 2006 Curriculum, English teachers’ perception, Curriculum change.

The implementation of education system in school is done based on a system that planned systematically to achieve some objectives that has been stated. Curriculum and teaching-learning process are two unseparated aspects. Curriculum won’t be meaningful if it isn’t being applied to the teaching-learning process so the teaching-learning process won’t effective if it doesn’t have a curriculum as a base. The quality of the curriculum implemented in school level greatly indicates the success of the curriculum reform.
The management of formal education in Indonesia is addressed in the Law Number 20 Year 2003 in which the implementation is done through the principles of school-based management as the realization of educational democracy. With this principle, schools are given the freedom to manage schools independently and to get support from people in society to improve the quality of school services.
By the year of 2004 the curriculum in Indonesia changed from the 1994 to the 2004 curriculum or it known as the competency-based Curriculum. The curriculum is defined as a concept which emphasize in developing competency duties with certain standard performance so the result can be seen in the students’ ability through a package of certain competency.
In 2006, the curriculum was changed when Law Number 20 Year 2003 on the National Education System was implemented, the centralized curriculum is gradually being changed by the school-based curriculum which is decentralized to the school level. In the previous curriculum, the objectives, contents, learning methods, and assessment techniques of the learning assessment were determined by the Ministry of National Education. 
The implementation of school-based curriculum gives more freedom to schools and school committees to develop the school curriculum, analyze the internal and external school environment, and determine the vision, mission, and objectives of education initiated by the schools.  Then, referring to national standards, each school develops its own curriculum through accommodating the minimum contents of the curriculum determined nationally as well as local contents considered important for the students.  The local contents are determined by the school community to develop competencies of the students based on the local resources and specific mission of the schools.
Speaking skill has become the first priority to be taught between the four skills since communicative approach implementation has been influential in foreign language learning based on curriculum 2006 goal instruction of KTSP (PERMEN DIKNAS 2006). English teachers should create active learning condition and develop their technique to help learners communicate more effectively by considering suitable activities for each group of learners. But based on her experiences in teaching practical, most of teachers are less-aware to the goal instruction. They seem confuse in determining their way of teaching, especially in teaching speaking where they need more in using the language laboratory. So actually how they perceive the curriculum change for their way of teaching especially in teaching speaking? How they distinguish them and how they manage their teaching tools based on both curriculums?
Curricula in School Management
The implementation of education system in school is done based on a system that planned systematically to achieve some objectives that has been stated as curriculum. Curriculum and teaching-learning process are two unseparated aspects. Curriculum won’t be meaningful if it isn’t being applied to the teaching-learning process so the teaching-learning process won’t effective if it doesn’t have a curriculum as a base. The quality of the curriculum implemented in school level greatly indicates the success of the curriculum reform.
Stenhouse (in Nurgiyantoro, 2008: 03) stated that curriculum is the planned composite effort of any school to guide pupil learning toward predetermined learning outcome.
While in Webster’s International Dictionary curriculum is defined as course, a specified fixed course of study as in school or collage as one leading to a degree.
Hamalik (Romine in Hamalik 2008: 4) stated the same as the statements above about curriculum. He said that curriculum is interpreted to mean all of the organized courses, activities and experiences which pupils have under direction of the school, whether in the classroom or not.

Competency-Based Curriculum (2004)
The Competency-Based Curriculum is defined as a concept which emphasize in developing competency duties with certain standard performance so the result can be seen in the students’ ability through a package of certain competency (Mulyasa, 2005).
Matec (in Muslich, 2008) stated that a competence-based curriculum stars with identification of the condition of the competencies each earner is expected to master, states clearly the criteria and conditions by which performance will be assessed, and defines the learning activities that will lead to the learner to mastery of the targeted competency.
Competence is ability which have to possessed by student include affective domain, psychomotor domain and cognitive domain. According to Puskur in Utomo (2009) book Competence, that’s meant implicate three important things, that is :
1.      Firstly, competence as alumnus of the institutional.
2.      Secondly, competence on subject in school.
3.      Thirdly, there is no student failed.
Second thing as mention above usually named Basic Competence. Basic Competence of student has to minimal standard cover i.e. 75% on cognitive domain, 80% on effective domain, and 75% on psychomotor.
In fact, on decentralization era, every district has the power to developing their own good education. Central government only have several things about vital aspect on education i.e. act determining in standard competence, national standard curriculum, standard evaluation, standard academic calendar, etc. District government has the power to arrange developing of syllabus with its implementation.
There are nine components syllabus as follow:
1. Standard Competence.
In this case, competence which can appears certain subject, competence subject in school which owned by student, competence must be owned every alumnus on certain subject.
2. Basic Competence.
Minimal competence on certain subject which owned by student.
3. Matter of Subject.
Minimal matter of subject must be teaching for understood by student.
4. Explanation matter of subject.
5. Experience on study by student.
6. Time allocation
7. Reference.
8. Achievement Indicator.
9. Claim

School-Based Curriculum (2006)
In the new scheme of curriculum development, the central government, which extends to the Board of National Standard of Education, determines the standard competencies for the graduates from each school level, the standard of curriculum content, and guidelines for developing the school-based curriculum based on its rights.  In accordance with the national standard and its guidelines, the school community, under the supervision of the local government, designs the curriculum for its own schools. The school-based curriculum consists of several components: vision, mission, and objectives of school education, structure and content of curriculum, calendar of education, and compilation of syllabus and lesson plans for each course (Firman, 2008).  This curriculum development strategy will guarantee that the curriculum is relevant with the needs and conditions of the students.
The implementation of school-based curriculum gives more freedom to schools and school committees to develop the school curriculum, analyze the internal and external school environment, and determine the vision, mission, and objectives of education initiated by the schools.  Then, referring to national standards, each school develops its own curriculum through accommodating the minimum contents of the curriculum determined nationally as well as local contents considered important for the students.  The local contents are determined by the school community to develop competencies of the students based on the local resources and specific mission of the schools.
The Differences of the Competency-Based Curriculum (2004) and the School-Based Curriculum (2006) according to PP No. 19 th 2005
Table 1
The Differences of the Competency-Based Curriculum (2004) and the School-Based Curriculum (2006) according to PP No. 19 year 2005
The Essence of Difference
2004 Curriculum
2006 Curriculum
Kurikulum 2004 atau KBK - Competency-Based Curriculum
Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) - School-Based Curriculum
Test, modeling dan MBS done by the Direktiorat dan Balitbang
BSNP as the Content Standard maker, the school develope it in school-based curriculum
a.     Standard Competence
b.     Based Competence
c.     Indicator
a.    Group of Subject
b.    Curriclum Structure every level
c.    Standard Competence and Based Competence
Teaching-Learning Process
Competence-based, teacher as the facilitator
Competence oriented, student-center
School is given the examples of the syllabus, teaching-learning process, evaluation in a document which compiled by the government as a resource.

School and committee develop the curriculum and the syllabus according to:
  1. Kerangka dasar kurikulum,      
  2. Standar kompetensi,
Under the supervision of the local governernece or the province Department of Edcation.

Actually there is any significant difference between CBC and SCB. Both of them are oriented to the competencies and the result of the students’ learning. The difference is seen only in the implementation where the CBC were compiled by the government while the SBC is compiled by schools and teachers itself based on the national rules that supervised by the independent department, BNSP.

As a development country, the Indonesian government also develops their school management and one of them is the development of curriculum. The development has been being done by changing it for example. The changing of the curriculum since the curriculum 1994 to the curriculum 2004 and finally to the curriculum 2006 make some confuse to the school and especially to the teacher in arranging their teaching.
The data resulted from the instruments is given in tables. The writer describe the result from the question related to the problem such as the teachers; perception to the changing of the curriculum, the problems in implementing both of them (CBC-SCB), and the teachers’ choice-whether they prefer CBC or SCB in teaching their students especially in speaking.
Table 2
Teachers’ Perception to the Curriculum Change from the Competency-Based Curriculum (2004) to the School-Based Curriculum (2006) in Teaching Speaking




Q = Question
A = Answer
R = Respondent
C = Confusing
D = don’t have any problem
Ch = Challenging
From the table above we can see that most of the teachers (75%) consider the changing as a confusing event. They still cannot imply the changing of the 1994 curriculum and then they have to switch it again to the 2006 curriculum. They feel that because they less have the curriculum seminar or socialization. 

Table 3
Teachers’ Preference






          In the table 3, 50% of the teachers prefer use and implement the SBC because the time allocation is less 5 minutes than the Competence-Based curriculum so the learning weight is lighter. Beside that the material from the SBC are more concrete because the school or even the teacher made by themselves according to the place where the school located so the teacher can make a realistic teaching learning process.

            From the result it can be seen that 75% of the teachers still confuse about the changing of curriculum. But if they have to choice 50% of them prefer use and implement School-Based curriculum because the time allocation is less 5 minutes than the Competence-Based curriculum so the learning weight is lighter. Beside that the material from the SBC are more concrete because the school or even the teacher made by themselves according to the place where the school located.      
Firman, Harry. 2008. The Future of Schooling in Indonesia. CICE Hiroshima University, Journal of International Cooperation in Education, Vol.11 No.1.
Hamalik, Oemar. 2008. Dasar-dasar Pengembangan Krikulum. Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya.
Hamalik, Oemar. 2008. Manajemen Pengembangan Kurikulum, Cetakan Ketiga. Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya.
Mulyasa, E. 2005. Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (Konsep, Karakteristik dan Implementasi). Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya.
Muslich, Mansur. 2008. KTSP, Pembelajaran Berbasis Kompetensi dan Kontekstual. Jakarta: PT. Bumi Aksara.
Perbedaan Kurikulum 2004 dan KTSP (Sesuai PP No. 19 th 2005). 2006. Jakarta: Depdiknas.
Pengembangan KTSP. 2006. Dirjen Peningkatan Mutu Pendidik dan Tenaga Kependidikan.
Utomo, Pristadi. 2009. The Application of Competence Based Curriculum Case Study of Physics. Cited in at 23 March 2009 at 5:12 pm


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